And Steven Barnes, I owe you. I've already paid for some of your work. Both directly through your website, and indirectly, at bookstores. Great work, totally worth paying for
Like sharing the steps and miss-steps you've taken to get where you are, so I, personally, can learn by example.
If you don't know it already, Steven Barnes writes science fiction, and works on self-improvement a little bit every day of his life. And he is sharing a lot of that work with all of us, for free. He is fit. He is trim. His solutions are not always my solutions. His experiences did not all come easy, if you know what I mean. But they were all part of what makes him special, and he has totally paid his dues.
What helped me the most was his free email-subscription self-help 101 day program, and message boards. I did not use everything he gave. I don't think I used 10%. But I read it practically every day, and when it was over I just wanted to sign up again for another 101 days so I could have words from him to meditate upon a little bit, every day.
It is not what helped me first. Steven Barnes has been giving back for a long time. I've followed his work gratefully, if intermittently, ever since I saw him at a science fiction convention in Seattle. I liked his smile. I liked his energy. And I went to his Tai-Chi session, first thing in the morning, because I wanted in on his secrets. And I'm not sure if we ever actually 'met', because I am a forgetful jackass. Lucky for me, this man is totally driven to share. Because our pain is not something he can ignore.
Steven Barnes, you are totally cupcake worthy. I can give no higher praise. And because I owe you more than any other stranger, you are getting yours first.
Please visit his website.
Oops! I can't even spell. I am fixing the title of this post. Just don't look at the url.